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Showing posts from June, 2020


COMFY AND FASHIONABLE  OUTFIT IDEAS FOR COLLEGE GOING GIRLS Going  to college but don't  know what to wear , don't worry girl, i can understand you because I've been there too . Going college and wearing pretty dresses is fun but sometimes it's tiring too. That's why i have compiled some   college going outfit ideas that every college going girl will love so, here we go ;         ( image source : PINTEREST ) THANK YOU FOR READING  💛XOXO💛

Productive things to do at home

                             PRODUCTIVE THINGS TO DO AT                                         HOME     In this coronavirus epidemic we all are required to stay at home and you all must be feeling bored at home like me. But when you find productive things to do at home not only you will be purposeful with your time but you will also feel very blissful.  I know , there are already tons of articles on this topic but we must contribute something to society so here we go, adding one more article to this topic [ P.S. my sense of humor is literally very awful , i tried to make it funny but i failed terribly. ] So here's the list of some productive activities which you can do during your free time or when you're feeling bored. 1 .Write a journal   writing  journal is a great way to kill time. Write down  your thoughts  and ideas in your journal because not only it will help you to get rid of your boredom but you will also get to know more about yourself.  I also started to write jour


     Jainism and Buddhism were in the nature of Sramana tradition of recluse ascetics who emphasize on hard penances and celibacy (Tapas and Bharamacharya). They opposed the sacrificed religion of the Vedas and taught Ahimsa. They were called Nastika religions for  they denied the existence of a Universal soul or God, the creator and believed in the naturalistic origin of the world.  Both the religions were founded at almost the same time in the 6th century B.C.                                                               Jainism was founded by twenty four Tirthankars,the last of whom was Vardhamana Mahavira. The 23rd Tirthankara Parsvanatha taught four fold disciplines - AHIMSA,SATYA,ASTEYA &APARIGRAHA . The 24th Vardhamana Mahavira added Brahamacharya to them and called Panch Mahavratas-five great disciplines. Vardhamana Mahavira was son of Siddhartha and Trishala who beloved to a Kshatriya clan. He was born in 599 B.C. at Kundagrama near Vaishali . He lived with his parents t


Hinduism also known as Sanatana Dharma is the oldest of the Religious Traditions of the world. Vedas from the main source of this  tradition . the early portions of Vedic Samhits consisted of prayers to Nature gods like Agni and Indra who were  propitiated  for gifts of plenty and prosperity. They also spoke of Rita the natural order behind the events of the world and Satya the One Invisible Divine Force animating all sentient beings and gods. The nature of the Supreme god was revealed by a Rishi by means of the famous Gayatri Mantra ,                   (  ॐ ॐ ॐ                          ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः                            तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं                              भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि                                           धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्)                                                                                                                  His form is described as Savita ,the morning sun, and his name is given as ' OM '. All knots of the heart are

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Last time i shared  THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HORSE   and i got  an exceptional response . So i'm back again with a new autobiography and this time an Euro wants to unfold its tale . so lets begin, As soon as i entered this fascinating world i was looked upon with great expectations. The world was full of racism yet i was held in high esteem . People from the United States of America to Antarctica looked at me as i  soon  rolled out from the parentage of Europeans. Since economists, raging bulls and bears did not know much about me, i caught the apprehension of my parents , the share market holders, the financial experts ,scholars, students and so on. On my birth i was placed on the lap of my mother , The Federal Bank . Frankly , my brother, Lira , my sister and my extended family members like the Deutsche Mark and the Yen were quite jealous of me . I know my worth. I reveal this secret of mine . I am a form of money held or traded outside the country , in whose currency its value is


  Hello friends ! My name is Tori , and i am a horse .As i am getting old, i m thinking to write my autobiography to live life again   Now that i am getting old and stiff in the joints, i like to mediate while grazing in this pasture,on my foal days. I think that was the happiest part of my life. I had no work to do, and could not run about after my mother, who was a fine white Arab mare, without any restraint  . Most of my time was spent in the fields, where i nibbled the tender grass and capered about,while my mother was steadily grazing But that could not last forever.when i was old enough,the trainer came and , to my great indignation ,fastened a long rope to my head and then began me drive round and round in circles with his long whip. I was frightened and angry,but he went on till i was so tired so that i can scarcely stand .However, my mother told me that it was no use my resisting , and to make a long story short, I was at last thoroughly trained as a Riding-horse.   ''

Fundamentals of Laughter Yoga

Whatever happens to the mind happens to the body as well.This is easily understood and observed too. If a person is sad or depressed , his body also appears quite lifeless and sluggish. Such a person doesn't walk or talk enthusiastically. But, what most people fail to understand  is that the opposite is also true .  The most important principle behind Laughter Yoga or the most significant driving force behind the several Laughter Clubs is the  theory that Motion Creates Emotion . Quite a few people wonder how a person can laugh when he is in no mood to laugh or when one doesn't have any reason to laugh . However' the reason is very simple . For, there is a well established link between the mind and the body.  Laughter is all about playfulness. In  Laughter Clubs , members develop positive conditioning of joy. By laughing together over a period of time , clapping in rhythm , chanting "HO HO HA HA" in unison and positive affirmations like "VERY GOOD VERY GOOD Y