Jainism and Buddhism were in the nature of Sramana tradition of recluse ascetics who emphasize on hard penances and celibacy (Tapas and Bharamacharya). They opposed the sacrificed religion of the Vedas and taught Ahimsa. They were called Nastika religions for they denied the existence of a Universal soul or God, the creator and believed in the naturalistic origin of the world. Both the religions were founded at almost the same time in the 6th century B.C. 
Jainism was founded by twenty four Tirthankars,the last of whom was Vardhamana Mahavira. The 23rd Tirthankara Parsvanatha taught four fold disciplines -AHIMSA,SATYA,ASTEYA &APARIGRAHA. The 24th Vardhamana Mahavira added Brahamacharya to them and called Panch Mahavratas-five great disciplines. Vardhamana Mahavira was son of Siddhartha and Trishala who beloved to a Kshatriya clan. He was born in 599 B.C. at Kundagrama near Vaishali . He lived with his parents till their death . Tradition says that he was married to Yashoda and a daughter was born to them called Priyadarshana.Vardhamana had an urge to renounce the world and he did so after the death of his parents and took to ascetic discipline in search of ultimate peace. Vardhamana underwent service austerities for twelve years before he attained Kaivalya and became a Mahavira , ajina and an arhat. The disciplines taught by Mahavira make man perfect in his life.Great emphasis is laid on Ahimsa in Jainism . According to Jainism, there are two kinds of substances in this world-Chetan and Achetan (jiva) and insentient (ajiva) . Jiva, the sentient along with Ajiva insentient matter brings this world into existence and gets entangled in it. Dharma is that condition when Jiva and Ajiva became functional in this world. The principle of change is Time, Kala,jiva is like a boat in this ocean of this world where the water of Karmas the results of our actions flow in -Asrava inflow.The drying up of these Karmas is Samvara. Drying of the water already collected is Nirjara. The five Mahavratas mentioned above enable to get rid of the Karmas and get Kaivalya,Loneness i.e., freedom from association with material elements when the Jiva gets pure knowlege , Suddha Jana, Three jewels triatna of Samyak Drishti right perception ,Samyak Jnana ,right knowledge and Samyak Chaitra-right conduct are the means of attaining Kaivalya . The jain community comprises monks (Sadhus);nuns (Sadhvis), laymen(Upasakas), and lay women(Upasikas). Jainism is confined to India only on account of its strict discipline. The teachings of Jainism are contained in te Agamas.The two important sects of Jainism are the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.
“Do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or kill any creature or living being.”