Without giving any extra description about what i'm writing today i'll just come to the business so today i have prepared a list of 15 words which can strengthen your english vocab so let's start ; DESPICABLE -[ duh-spi-kuh-bl ] awful For example - Don't pick your nose in the public , that's a despicable behaviour. FABULIST - [ Fab-Uh-list ] a person who composes or relates fables For example- Though he never planned to be a fabulist, Ramy enjoys wriitng fairy tales and fables. INFALLIBLE - [ uhn-fa-luh-bl ] incapable of making mistakes free from mistakes,defeats and failure For example- Smith will be leading this new project soon . As his last projects were infallible . SLOB - [ slob ] a lazy and unhealthy person For example- What a slob ! TRUEPENNY - A trusty , honest fellow For example- It's difficult to meet a person who's truepenny nowadays. YESTREEN - During yesterday evening For example - "I were reading novels yetsreen " sa...
Last time i shared THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HORSE and i got an exceptional response . So i'm back again with a new autobiography and this time an Euro wants to unfold its tale . so lets begin, As soon as i entered this fascinating world i was looked upon with great expectations. The world was full of racism yet i was held in high esteem . People from the United States of America to Antarctica looked at me as i soon rolled out from the parentage of Europeans. Since economists, raging bulls and bears did not know much about me, i caught the apprehension of my parents , the share market holders, the financial experts ,scholars, students and so on. On my birth i was placed on the lap of my mother , The Federal Bank . Frankly , my brother, Lira , my sister and my extended family members like the Deutsche Mark and the Yen were quite jealous of me . I know my worth. I reveal this secret of mine . I am a form of money held or traded outside the country , in whose c...