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15 words to strengthen your English vocabulary

Without giving any extra description about what i'm writing today i'll just come to the business so today i have prepared a list of 15 words which can strengthen your english vocab so let's start ;  DESPICABLE -[ duh-spi-kuh-bl ]  awful For example - Don't pick your nose in the public , that's a despicable behaviour. FABULIST - [ Fab-Uh-list ] a person who composes or relates fables For example-  Though he never planned to be a fabulist, Ramy enjoys wriitng fairy tales and fables. INFALLIBLE - [ uhn-fa-luh-bl ] incapable of making mistakes free from mistakes,defeats  and failure For example- Smith will be leading this new project soon . As his last projects were infallible . SLOB - [ slob ] a lazy and unhealthy person For example- What a slob ! TRUEPENNY -   A trusty , honest fellow For example-  It's difficult to meet a person who's truepenny nowadays. YESTREEN -  During yesterday evening For example - "I were reading novels yetsreen " sa...
PERSONALITY-RELATED WORDS Every human being is special and beautiful in their own way . In English, we use different words to classify them according to their personality , so let's begin; (a) BUSYBODY  Do you know someone who takes so much of interest in your life , Well, i know someone and it's none other than my pados wali aunty (my neighbor) she is always prying into my life , which is sometimes very irritating . So now when you know what busybody means then let's take a look at an  example: ➤ My neighbor is such a busybody because she is always curious to know what's going into my life .    (b) CHEAPSTAKE Cheapstake simply refers to person who always avoids to pay fair share of costs & expenses . In other words, cheapstake means someone who is miser AF, you can alternatively use penny pincher . ➤Rachel you are such a cheapstake you should have at least bought a gift for your mother on her birthday. (c) COUCH POTATO I have a brother who is a...


Idioms may be defined as expressions peculiar to a language. They play an important part in all languages. Many verbs, when followed by various prepositions,or adverbs , acquire an idiomatic sense ; as, ➣He backed up (supported) his friend's claim. ➣ The present disturbances will soon blow over (pass off). ➣ That fellow trumped up (concocted, fabricated) a story. ➣ I threatened to show him up (expose him). BE IN DUTCH Meaning :   I n trouble Example : The boy was in dutch with his friend .                BRAIN BOX Meaning : someone who is regarded as highly intelligent Example : Kevin is such a brain box that he memorized Pi(ㄫ) to a hundred decimal places.   IN VOGUE Meaning : to say that something is fashionable and is in trend Example : Youth love wearing branded clothes.They are so much in vogue. DOT THE I'S AND CROSS THE T'S Meaning : to pay the greater deal of attention to the details of something especially when you are tryin...

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